Dispensary: Growland (Phuket)

Rating: 4.1 leaves 

Jorge’s Diamonds is an incredible hulk ultra-green bud covered in crystals. The bud is fluffy and sticky, with  an intense lemon zest aroma similar to that of wood polish or cleaning material. Jorge’s Diamonds’ taste is as strong as its odor, with flavors identical to a Himalaya Salt Lemon Flavour Salt Candy: Super lemony on the first hit with a strong mint and menthol finish. 

There is no doubt that Jorge’s Diamonds is an indica strain. The immediate effects are a deep relaxation which moves quickly into sleepiness. Indeed, this strain hit me very hard with an almost paralyzed listlessness which lead me to ponder my problems in life with hints of anxiety and melancholy.  I countered these feeling by drinking a can of root beer. Once the sugar hit me, I was able to enjoy the relaxed feeling of the bud, listened to and enjoyed an opera, and fell asleep happily and slept heavily through the night.

Jorge’s Diamonds is a good strain for users who want to get stoned and then pass out happily at the end of the day. It is most appropriate for experienced indica lovers. Sativa and novice users should tread lightly with this bud (keep a Snickers bar handy), it is strong and intense and will put you to sleep.  

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Mendel Menachem

Mendel Menachem is a curious and well-known cannabis commentator in Thailand, with a particular focus on locally grown flowers and their growers. His unwavering support for the local industry has earned him widespread respect within the Thai cannabis community. Mendel also regularly reviews cannabis from throughout the country, which he expertly reviews thanks to his renowned palate. Follow him on Instagram