Grower: Terpie Garden

Rating: 4.3

UpperCut on Tour: The Highest Sesh in Low Season on the 18th of May in Phuket at Phuket High

Candy Pavé is the third bud I have tried from up and coming grower Terpie Garden. Terpie’s previous samples have been strong in fragrance with great effects.  Similarly, Candy Pavé has a strong and sweet vanilla, caramel taste with and slight orange hint. The taste, which is not as strong as the essence, is of a citrussy vanilla.

I had a hard time capturing the taste on lower temperatures of my vaporizer and found that the flavor came through stronger and smoother on higher temps (around 190 C). As a result I ended up vaping and then smoking quite a bit of this bud. The effects were strong and stoned—dipping down into the world of paranoia for a short period. This may be because of the copious amounts vaped. Once the paranoia wore off I found the effects to be very positive, happy, and stimulating and still very stoned. 

I recommend Candy Pavé for experienced users. The bud took me in some wild directions which I was familiar with and prepared for. A novice user may have panicked and probably would not have enjoyed the ride. Experienced users will know how to navigate the twists and turns of a strong bud like Candy Pavé.

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Mendel Menachem

Mendel Menachem is a curious and well-known cannabis commentator in Thailand, with a particular focus on locally grown flowers and their growers. His unwavering support for the local industry has earned him widespread respect within the Thai cannabis community. Mendel also regularly reviews cannabis from throughout the country, which he expertly reviews thanks to his renowned palate. Follow him on Instagram