Marijuana legalization has become an ongoing topic of debate and policy development worldwide, as societies navigate their stance on the use of cannabis for medical and recreational purposes. With countries and states reevaluating their laws, we explore the current state of marijuana legalization around the globe.

North America, spearheaded by Canada, took a historic step in 2018 by becoming the first major world economy to legalize recreational marijuana nationwide. This progressive move allows Canadian adults to legally purchase marijuana from regulated dispensaries across the country. It’s a significant development that showcases a forward-thinking approach.

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Despite Canada’s bold move, the United States still considers marijuana a Schedule 1 drug under federal law. However, the tide is turning as 18 states have already legalized recreational marijuana use within their borders as of 2021. The recent additions of New York, New Mexico, and Virginia highlight the growing acceptance of cannabis. Additionally, 36 states, along with Washington D.C., have embraced marijuana for medical purposes.

South America witnessed Uruguay leading the charge in 2013 as the first nation to fully legalize marijuana. Its citizens enjoy the freedom to grow and consume cannabis for both medical and recreational purposes. Although other countries like Colombia and Argentina have also legalized medical marijuana, Uruguay stands out as a pioneer in comprehensive legalization.

Turning our attention to Europe, many countries have taken a more lenient approach by decriminalizing cannabis rather than legalizing it fully. The Netherlands, however, maintains a unique position. Since the 1970s, the country has tolerated the sale and consumption of marijuana in specialized establishments known as “coffeeshops.” This pragmatic approach has set it apart from its European counterparts.

In recent years, countries like Germany and Italy have implemented laws permitting the prescription of medical cannabis under specific circumstances. While it’s not full legalization, such initiatives acknowledge the potential benefits of cannabis in a regulated and controlled manner.

Venturing into Africa, South Africa made headlines in 2018 by amending its cannabis laws, allowing private cultivation and personal consumption. Although limited provisions for medical marijuana exist in nations like Lesotho and Zimbabwe, South Africa’s progressive move signals a growing recognition of individual liberties.

Shifting our focus to Oceania, Australia implemented a strict licensing scheme in 2016 to legalize medicinal marijuana. Meanwhile, New Zealand faced a crucial decision in October 2020 with a referendum on recreational marijuana legalization. Despite a narrow defeat, with 50.7% of voters against it, the referendum sparked an important conversation about the benefits and risks associated with legalization.

Finally, in Asia, cannabis laws remain stringent overall. However, signs of change are starting to emerge as countries like Thailand and South Korea explore limited medical marijuana programs. These nations are cautiously embracing the possibility of harnessing cannabis’s medicinal properties while maintaining strict regulations on recreational use.

In conclusion, the global landscape of marijuana legalization is shifting towards tolerance and recognition of cannabis’s potential benefits. As research progresses and societal attitudes continue to evolve, we can anticipate more countries and regions adopting progressive policies that embrace both the medical and recreational aspects of marijuana use.

As a disclaimer, the opinions expressed in this article don’t reflect those of High Thailand.

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Trunkee is our mascot and the mysterious master mind behind "The Daily Trunk", our news section of HighThailand for all things cannabis in Thailand.